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Selecting A Horse Management System Is a Major Business Decision!
June 03, 2013
Inventory and Inventory Management (Rarely Understood, Financially Significant)

Operating a successful horse business is a laborious task by any measure. Not only are the days long and the work hard, but the ever increasing cost in an unpredictable market only adds to the difficulty and risk.One of the most important initial business decisions you will make is which horse business management system do you need to help you manage your business? And yes, you do need one! There is just too much at stake to try and manage your business using scraps of paper and or depend on your memory. You need a horse business management system that not only helps you manage your business, but also helps you measure it providing you the information you need so you can make good business ...

Understand the Expense and Risk in Breeding!
February 13, 2013
Inventory and Inventory Management (Rarely Understood, Financially Significant)

If you are a horse breeder there is no greater joy than witnessing the birth of a foal and hearing that first little nicker. It does not matter how many years you have been breeding horses or how many foals you have seen born, it never gets old! Your emotions can range from absolute euphoria to utter disappointment. Your emotions to a great extent are influenced by decisions you made a year prior to the foal’s birth. Contributing to your emotion is generally a large amount of expense and considerable risk associated with any breeding decision. Hence, considerable thought should not only be utilized in the selection of a stallion, but also to the total cost of breeding. Far too many ...