Posts with tag: "Horse Business Operations"
Using your Horse Business Management System to Manage Your Vehicles
July 18, 2013
Using your Horse Business Management System to Manage Your Vehicles

We all use vehicles in our horse business, but we generally don’t do a good job tracking, documenting and managing their use. It is often said, ‘the tax man doesn’t know a lot about horses, but he sure knows a lot about mileage, trip logs, and vehicle personal use.Time is a priceless commodity in any business, but particularly in a horse business – there is never enough. Many horse businesses that fail, fail because of the lack of business discipline in prioritizing their time so they have enough time to manage their business. In a horse business too many ‘things’ fall through the crack because of available time. Unfortunately, vehicles are too often one ...

Successful Horse Business Management Must Include Business Operations!
June 03, 2013
Using your Horse Business Management System to Manage Your Vehicles

Horse business management is not possible without business operations management. Business operations management is the important functions of managing your horse business resources and optimizing your use of cash. Business operations are concerned with overseeing and controlling the process of: • Purchasing and managing your business’s supplies; • Maintaining and managing your business assets such as your equipment, vehicles and buildings; • Administering and managing your employees, and tracking their job assignments. Business operations management involves the responsibility of ensuring that your business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as ...